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Black Ops 2 Zombies Fire Staff Upgrade Code

Not only do you need to upgrade your staffs, you also need to use ("wield") each one at least once for the Trophy to unlock.

(Note: Through Upgrades can be done simultaneously, for efficiency's sake it is recommended to leave the Fire Staff upgrade to last, as in the progression below. )

Just like guns via Pack-a-Punch, each staff can be be upgraded to its 'ultimate' form, albeit through varying and complicated steps - or 'challenges:' each Staff requires a challenge for its ultimate form. Each one will require a puzzle to be solved, certain actions ("challenges") to be taken (except for the Fire Staff, where you need to do the Challenge BEFORE the Puzzle) finally filled with zombie souls in the crazy place after being placed on the pedestal. The solution to the Lightning and Wind staffs puzzles are always the same. The ones for Ice and Fire vary between games. The post-puzzle challenges for all staffs, are constant and never change. Once all that is done, the four rings above the Staff pedestals need to be moved to correspond to the staff's colour and then shoot the orb at its bottom before taking the staff to the Crazy Place for "soul filling." Here are the steps as follow (and with multiple players, this can be done simultaneously.

The puzzle use numeric forms (except for Lightning, whose solution is consistent). In solving each puzzle, you must use the corresponding Staff. Here is the reference table, or 'translation' of the puzzles used (credits go to talloby from the Activision forums).

With that table above, here's how to approach the individual puzzles:

Ice Staff Puzzle: Take the Ice staff to the Crazy Place and, in the Ice Staff's area, as you face the puzzle with the centre of the Crazy Place behind your back, look up. You will see six suspended stone panels, each with a symbol (Cuneform Symbols). On your righthand side, you will see a square with a "dotted" symbol on the rocks (Ternary Symbols). You need to shoot the Cuneform symbol on the suspended stones that corresponds to the Ternary symbol to your right. Use the table above as reference. When you shoot the correct one, the Ternary form on your right will change. Shoot the next slab whose Cuneform symbol corresponds to the new Ternary number that appears.

Lightning Staff Puzzle: This is a musical puzzle but, thankfully, no mastery is needed as the solution is always the same. In the Crazy Place, by the Lightning Staff's Gateway, you will see three music staffs on your left, and on your right, two rows of purple triangles that form a 'keyboard.' You have to hit three keys at three different intervals. The fired orb will 'stick' and shortly after the third orb is fired, the orbs will disappear indicating the end of the interval. Here is how the keyboard is labeled (credits go to CoD Wikia)

By going by the label format in the image below, hit "A C E" first, then "E G B," and finally "F A D." If done correctly, a sound effect and a Samantha speech will cue the successful completion. To ascertain that, you can shoot the keyboard. If the orb doesn't stick, it means it's done.

Wind Staff Puzzle: Like the Lightning Staff, the solution to this Puzzle is always the same. Above the Gateway are four rings or circles. You need to move each ring by hitting it with the Wind Staff. The solution is so: facing the Wind Staff's gateway, the lefthand-size horizontal line must be (from innermost to outermost ring): I / IL / LF / L* (corresponding to 1, 6, 11, 8 if using the table above). Here's the solution (credits go CoD Wikia):

When done, a sound cue AND an announcement by Samantha will signal the completion of the step.

Now onto the challenges. With the exception of Fire Staff, there are actions that need to be taken using the corresponding Staff after that Staff's puzzle is done. Here is the list of challenges:

Ice Staff Challenge: Once the puzzle is done, you need to find three tombstones across the map. You need to freeze each one using the Ice Staff then shoot it with a bullet gun (Ray Guns won't work). The tombstones are: on the "hill" that holds the Excavation Site. It should be visible as it will be facing in the direction of the Jugger-nog. The other one should be outside the footprint behind Jugger-nog (with the soul chest). The final one is outside the building by Generator 2. If you exit through the rear exit of the building (i.e. where the Tank stops if launched from church), on your far-left by a collapsed Giant's hand you'll find the final tombstone (If you have the Ice Staff and the Ray Gun, and you don't want to lose the Ray Gun, you can simply freeze all three tombstones and then pick up a cheap bullet gun to replace the Ice Staff and destroy each tombstone. You can get your Ice Staff back from its pedestal.)?

Lightning Staff Challenge: Once you complete the puzzle, you need to 'deactivate' certain panels located across the map Keep turning the switch on the panel until the "spark" disappears. This has to be done in this order at these locations:? ? By the Wonderfizz next to the Stamin-up machine.
? Behind the church's stairway at the lower floor (right by a torch labeled "3").
? On the upperfloor of the Church, nearby the Mystery Box location.
? On a broken wall outside the "Wind" cave (in the Jugger-nog area).
? By the small stairway in the starting area.
? Near the rear exit of the bunker by Generator 2.
? Finally, the panel outside the Excavation site, right across from entrance of the pathway to the Church. Once done, a sound cue should resonate, indicating a successful completion. • Wind Staff Challenge: After the puzzle, three chimneys will emit black smoke. You need to hit the chimneys wit the Wind Staff, redirecting the smoke to the direction of the Excavation site. The chimneys are in these three areas: the elevated wall separating the Generator 4 from the Wind Cave, in the inaccessible area behind the Stamin-up and finally, on the right-hand side on the tank's rear tracks, assuming you're exiting with the tank behind you. Once done, a sound cue and a speech by will indicate a successful completion.

After completing the puzzle of each Staff (or, as per my recommendation, the ones for Ice, Lightning and Wind), you need to go to the bottom of the Excavation Site. You will see four parallel stone rights atop of each other. Each one will have a color-coded light. At the bottom you'll see a suspended orb coloured after your Staff's element. You need to move each ring via switches so each ring's light is lit in the colour corresponding to the Staff's element. There will two sets of stairs that converge at the very bottom underneath wooden scaffolding. On each stairway (left and right), there will be a switch. There will be two more switches on the wooden scaffolding. Use these switches to rotate the rings. Once they're lit in the colour of your staff, shoot the orb of at the bottom, which will send it into the skies.

Finally, you need to return the Staff to the Crazy Place and put it on its corresponding pedestal (entry point doesn't matter). You need to kill enough zombies so that they are filled. I suggest you do so for all three Staffs (Wind, Ice and Lightning) simultaneously, along with the Fire Staff's challenge below.

Now, the Fire Staff is different insofar as the Challenge needs to be done BEFORE the puzzle. (And since the challenge requires kills in Crazy Place, it is highly recommended that you do the challenge simultaneously as you complete the final step for creating the other ultimate three staffs):

Fire Staff Challenge: In the Crazy Place, by the Fire Staff gateway is a burning furnace on the floor. By the floor are four stone "baskets." What you need to do is, with the fire staff, you need to kill zombies on top of the 'furnace.' Further, you need to burn their corpses so as they erupt in black smoke. Each basket will light up in fire after a set number of kills By the time they're filled up, assuming you're doing the final upgrade for the other three staffs, they will be upgraded long before you complete that step so timing should not be a concern. Plus, as the smoke fills up the basket, the souls will will transfer to the other staffs, which is why it is HIGHLY recommended that you do this simultaneously with other staff upgrades. Once all four baskets are lit, exit the Crazy Place.

Fire Staff Puzzle: After the Challenge, you need to do the Puzzle. The puzzle is the Church; the lower floor has unlit torches marked in numbers underneath (except "4" which has a bloodstain instead). You need to light them up in a certain order. To figure out that, go upstairs, and turn around facing the Mystery Box location. From left to right, lit Ternary numbers will appear. Using the reference above, you need to match the Ternary number to integer number, then light the torches in the lower floor whose numbers correspond with the Ternary numbers, in the order indicated too (again, left to right facing the Mystery Box location).

After that, you need to do the final two steps for the Ultimate Fire Staff. They are identical to the other staffs: go back to the Excavation Site, move the rings so the light is red-lit, shoot the orb and return to the Crazy Place to upgrade the Fire Staff by filling it with zombie souls.

Once all ultimate forms are created, use each once - ding!

Video below:

Black Ops 2 Zombies Fire Staff Upgrade Code
