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How to Get Used to Drawing on a Tablet

When you first get a drawing tablet, it can be a little tricky to get used to.

But don't panic! In this guide, we're going to help you understand how long it takes to get used to and what you can do during that time so that you have an easier time getting used to your drawing tablet!

How long does it take to get used to using a drawing tablet?

It can take anywhere from two days up to one month depending on how much work is needed in order for you to develop the key skill – better hand-eye coordination. Because you are looking at the screen and drawing separately on the tablet, you will experience some level of disconnection.

Also, the time it takes to get used to drawing tablet will depend on the size of your graphics tablet and how often you use a mouse for digital art.

The more you use the mouse, the less time it will take for you to adjust.

Smaller drawing tablets are more fiddly to use. Ones with a larger active area will be easier to get used to. I have found that the larger the tablet, the easier it is to get used to drawing on.

Is it hard to use a drawing tablet?

Let's be honest – using a drawing tablet can feel hard to begin with.

It can feel frustrating and you can feel disconnected from what you see on the screen.

But once you get used to it- with time, patience and practice- using a drawing tablet will feel as natural as using pencil and paper.

In fact, many artists prefer drawing tablets over the traditional way of working on their computer because they find that drawing tablets are more accurate than a mouse and can be easier for them to create detailed drawings.

It's also great to be able to quickly undo a mistake.

Why is drawing digitally so hard?

There are a few factors that make drawing digitally harder than traditionally. One factor is the disconnect between what you see on screen and what you can physically touch with your hand. This may initially limit how accurate you can be when drawing.

Another factor is that drawing on a tablet takes time to get used to, starting off with the small movements of your hand and fingers. It can be hard at first trying to make accurate lines and create shapes without lifting up or moving your hand.

The last problem is getting accustomed how different software reacts when you draw in it. Some programs react much smoother than others and that can take time to adjust to. Plus, you need to figure out which tool does what.

Why is drawing on paper easier than digital?

Drawing on paper with a pencil, pen or brush is much easier than drawing digitally.

Digital drawing tools require use of a stylus, limiting how accurate you can be when drawing and making it difficult to draw very small lines or create shapes without lifting up the tool from the surface.

It also has to do with hand to eye coordination. The small movements of your stylus on a drawing tablet are much more sensitive than the coordination you use when drawing with paper and a pencil.

There is also little physical feedback when drawing on a tablet.

The surface of the tablet is very smooth unlike drawing on paper. When using a pencil on paper, it is easier to feel the movement and pressure. When using a stylus it moves across the surface of a tablet, which can lack any feeling.

Some people use a on their tablet or a different tip on their pen to improve the tactile feedback.

Drawing digitally also doesn't have that satisfying sound you hear from drawing with physical tools. Many people struggle to get used to the tapping of the stylus on the tablet.

Will you learn quicker on a drawing tablet with a screen?

Drawing tablets usually come in two varieties, those with screens and those without.

Using one with a screen will take you less time to get used to. There is hardly any feeling of disconnection because you can see what you are drawing.

Using one without a screen will give you more control, but there is a greater chance of feeling disconnected from the drawing process because you have to keep looking down at your tablet in order to make sure that you are drawing properly.

If there is no screen on the tablet, consider getting one with a few customisable shortcut keys so you don't have to use the toolbars in the app all of the time. This will help you get used to the digital drawing experience quicker.

Can you rest my hand on the drawing tablet?

One thing that people forget when using a drawing tablet is that you can rest your hand on the surface without making any marks. This is a great way to use the drawing tablet when you are doing long lines or smaller details.

Many people think that they need to hover their hand over the surface of the tablet. This can make drawing harder and it will take you longer to get used to using one.

Sure, it sometimes detects your hand and goes a bit odd, but it's just something you need to get used to. Resting your hand in a certain spot usually helps to stop this from happening.

If you find you can get on with resting your hand on the surface, check out an 2-Finger Artists Glove. This will ensure there is no contact between your hand and the tablet.

Many digital artists swear by them!

How do you get used to drawing with a stylus?

Drawing with a stylus is all about not pressing down on the screen. If you press too hard then it will start to make more intense marks and affect your drawing experience in a negative way.

The stylus can also feel quite lightweight, and that can be a bit of an adjustment if you are used to drawing with pens.

The best way to get used to the stylus is just by using it more often, so as your hand adjusts then you will start feeling much better in no time!

There are also cases where people end up preferring the stylus over using real drawing equipment.


If you're interested in drawing digitally, keep practicing and don't give up. You'll get used to using the pen eventually!

It may take some time and practice before you feel comfortable enough with your new digital drawing tablet to sketch out your next masterpiece on it.

Here are a few tips to help you get used to using a drawing tablet quicker:

  1. Practise drawing more simple things first – start small and work up to digital masterpieces.
  2. Try using the different tools in the app you are using – learn the best way to replicate your traditional art.
  3. Switch between the stylus and mouse for a rest – don't overdo it.
  4. Learn the keyboard shortcuts for the app – It will save you time and will stop you using the mouse or keyboard all of the time.
  5. Lower the pressure sensitivity of your pen – it might make drawing lines easier.
  6. Trace an image on the screen – this will help you get used to how the pen works.

How to Get Used to Drawing on a Tablet
